Question for the developer , as you have gathered there is a lot of excitement for the upcoming Sway , so perhaps you could shed some light .
Have you tried Plogue ops7 ?
Which I consider to be the best dx7 emulation ever ( sure lot's of people will agree ) .
Then there is the freeware dexed , which is also pretty great .
Now for the million dollar question , Will Sway be in the dexed or Ops7 ballpark ?![Smile :)]()
Have you tried Plogue ops7 ?
Which I consider to be the best dx7 emulation ever ( sure lot's of people will agree ) .
Then there is the freeware dexed , which is also pretty great .
Now for the million dollar question , Will Sway be in the dexed or Ops7 ballpark ?

Statistics: Posted by gentleclockdivider — Thu Jul 25, 2024 12:00 pm