McDsp Channel Strip is the lightest on CPU (Extremely efficient). Best Sound/CPU, use by professional! 10/10. For Logic use who experience so many third party issue, Mcdsp plugins will not having them! its so professionally programmed!
McDsp 6050 Ultimate Channel Strip
Native V.7 $75
(Eqs, Comps, Expanders, Gate, Saturation, Distortion)
McDSP 6060 Ultimate Module Collection
Native V.7 $110
Compression, Side Chain Compression, Parallel Compression in one plug! effect, EQ, efficient on CPU! in one plug in!
Selling both because I have Mcdsp Classic Pack suit my workflow better.
Arturia Fx Collection 4 SOLD to Adam f
Pigment V + 3 Explorer banks SOLD
Sonnox Drum Gate SOLD
Fabfilter Twin SOLD
McDsp 6050 Ultimate Channel Strip
Native V.7 $75
(Eqs, Comps, Expanders, Gate, Saturation, Distortion)
McDSP 6060 Ultimate Module Collection
Native V.7 $110
Compression, Side Chain Compression, Parallel Compression in one plug! effect, EQ, efficient on CPU! in one plug in!
Selling both because I have Mcdsp Classic Pack suit my workflow better.
Arturia Fx Collection 4 SOLD to Adam f
Pigment V + 3 Explorer banks SOLD
Sonnox Drum Gate SOLD
Fabfilter Twin SOLD
Statistics: Posted by impsamri — Mon Jul 29, 2024 12:22 pm