Of course it does! It's an inanimate object, the hardware it emulates lacks soul also as it's also an inanimate objectIt lacks soul.
As a musician it's my job to put "soul" into my music, if I have to rely on spending thousands more for hardware to put "soul" into my music I should just quit now and take up golf
If you think the hardware is better awesome just buy the hardware, no one is preventing you from doing so
For me the Korg plugin sounds pretty much identical to the 2600's I hear on records at a tiny fraction of the cost. So much of that tone on the records was the result of tube preamps, amazing consoles, actual plate reverbs, quality tape machines, and a ton of other tools that colored the sound on the 1970s and early 1980s
In isolation can I make the hardware and software sound different? Sure but that's not the way I create music so I don't care
Statistics: Posted by IvyBirds — Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:53 pm