Are the THU profile player’s captures real full-fledged profiles though? I tried it a while back and the few free profiles they had available to try sounded just like a modeler (no real power amp/output transformer dynamics).Yes, agreed, TH-U is great for this. As an ecosystem, it's probably the best.I realize Amplitube is a modeler but all the other capture/profiling ampsims out there Like Overloud TH-U, ReValver and even the open source NAM have preset browser that are both easier to navigate and organize.
ToneX seemed way more real to me, but maybe it’s just that they include an excellent tweed Deluxe profile where the free THU profiles (at least the ones initially available) all seemed like metal crap (sterile clean or flat square wave – your choice). ReValver’s supposed profile player seemed the same to me (like just a superficial EQ match rather than a real profile capture).
Statistics: Posted by guitarzan — Sat Sep 07, 2024 10:11 pm