You can leave that part to me!I do love the Softube sound.
Unfortunately, I switched to Linux this year, and they don't run well there. (I can get sound, but no working GUI.)
I'm not gonna be the guy that stands on a box and says "there should be more Linux support for synths!" ...but, honestly, if I could have *one* developer port their stuff to Linux, it would be Softube. [sigh]

Seriously, I would really LOVE Softube to support Linux. But even I don't hold out any hope for that. There's a much better chance of getting these companies to unofficially support WINE. At least if they were friendly and open to seeing what they could do to help us access through WINE it would be nice. There are a growing number of companies already doing that.
Statistics: Posted by audiojunkie — Tue Sep 17, 2024 11:12 pm