I'm exporting a fix to this video ATM since I made some mistakes here. I'm happy, you enjoy the content anyway. You also have a PM from me (sent it a few weeks ago), but since Premiere keeps breaking (just broke again), I'll upload it tomorrow.Your video's are gold , I do wish you would re-think your "no-demo available " decision .
Best of luck , alpha forever has really proven to be a worthy contender
I've messed up a few things during the build, and it's a wonder that the filter works the way it does. When I watched back the video, I felt the dip in the frequency response on higher frequencies was too strong (I remembered, that there should be a dip compared to the linear filter, but it's really subtle). Today I checked things and felt really bad for posting the video.
Explanation: I coded the filter a few months ago in LUA for fun, and it looks like I remembered things wrong while I was building the patch, and also read the code wrong (it was opened on my second monitor while patching).
Anyway: the updated patch is going to be fine (I've already posted the patch on our Discord), using 2x polyphase allpass oversampling the filter sounds really good to me (without oversampling, aliasing is really audible on higher cutoffs and resonance values >1.95). I hope I'll be able to post the video tomorrow.
Statistics: Posted by 9b0 — Tue Sep 17, 2024 11:51 pm