This made my day. Thank you!The Max devices, especially Lode, Glänta and Chiral, are what take the Push 3 in standalone over the top for me into dream future groove instrument. Particularly the first two - so well thought out, very just a few controls can cover a huge range, perfect for live jams.Fors is top-notch and at an exceedingly good price point.
Because of this, I've now come full circle because of Push from "where's the plugin?" to "where's the max device?". But leaving that aside, a couple of days into the demo and I can safely say it's to the same standard high standard I've come to expect.
Was a little put off initially flashbacks to how badly Ableton handles mapping parameters for plugins, but still managed to find a weird and wonderful sound through 10 minutes of random knob-turning that went straight into a track. Went over to Bitwig thisevening, read the manual and mapped it properly, then made another weird and wonderful sound that went straight into a track, only with a bit more intention this time.
I'd kinda promised myself to do no new hardware / plugins this year until I really dig in to what I already have, but I think this one will have to be an exception.
Statistics: Posted by c0nsilience — Mon Apr 22, 2024 1:18 am