Ahahahaha Ahahahaha Ahahahaha Ahahahaha Ahahahaha Ahahahaha Ahahahaha Ahahahaha Ahahahaha Ahahahaha Ahahahaha Ahahahaha I just poop a little laughing...Luckily that's not the case on Mac, that sounds horrible! For me (on Mac), both Shift+Wheel and Alt+Wheel scroll horizontally.And option to make Shift+Scrollwheel scroll horizontally, like it does in most other editors except Bitwig, where it s Alt+Scrollwheel.
What does Shift + Scrollwheel do on Windows?
All DAWS: We introduce vertical zoom via scroll wheel...
Avid bitwig user: All those daws made mistake. What were they thinking? All DAWs made such a mistake in introducing a feature that is so useful and even crucial in many tasks. I hope it will be never in bitwig. Please bitwig never introduces this horrible useful crucial feature...
Bitwig community a fking joke...
Statistics: Posted by Gimmeallspam — Wed Nov 27, 2024 11:05 am