The two are probably largely interchangeable if you just want to generate chord progressions. Not a fan of the Piano Roll in a plug-in, personally.Another plugin to look at if you want something close to the workflow in Cubase is the Captain Chords plugins. I have both Scalar and the Captain stuff and the Captan stuff is a bit easier to use imo because it incorporates a Piano Roll in the software.Scaler was doing Audio to MIDI Chords before Cubase was.
It also does the thing where you can sync different instances to a master plug-in.
It already does that stuff. That's kind of what my point is. Only difference is workflow.
Logic's ability to host these plug-ins as MIDI FX just makes the workflow for using them better, since you don't have to do the manual MIDI Routing and bloat up your track count. Scaler 2 has a specific Controller MFX for Logic for use in that scenario.
Aforementioned, I hope to see VST3 MIDI FX Support in Cubase 14, as I was really hoping for it in v13. It's kind of frustrating how Steinberg trails competitors in those areas.
I think Scaler 2 has a UX that is more similar to using the Chord Track, Pads, Chord Follow, Chord Assistant, etc. in Cubase, though.
I think Captain Chords really comes into its own when used in conjunction with their other plug-ins.
Statistics: Posted by Trensharo — Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:29 am