It's probably quite a bit of work to get it "exactly" the same because it's asymmetric (creates both 2nd and 3rd harmonics) but the reason for using it is the same as any soft clipper, shaving off some peaks.Devil’s advocate here: I’ve never gotten Fruity Waveshaper or Melda’s to sound anything like SoftLimit, so either I’m stupid or they have a really finely-tuned curve that sounds good on most most material! Worth it at $10 imo, even if it is simple.
I'm probably just reacting to this once again as when it was first released it was touted as some magic soft clip from their hardware boxes/soundcards and it's always good to remind people about waveshapers in general. They are useful but far from magic bullets.
As for spam emails, some of you who think "you can just opt out" are so oblivious and naive of how the world actually works that it makes me almost envious of your ignorance.

Statistics: Posted by bmanic — Mon Dec 09, 2024 2:08 pm