Zunächst einmal danke ich Ihnen für Ihre Arbeit und Ihre Zeit, es ist wirklich ein großartiges Werkzeug, und diese Arbeit bringt viel.
I'm writing here because I haven't found a solution to what I'm doing. And maybe it has to go through lines of code, in the script?
Or I haven't figured out how to do it. =)
I'm using a faderfox, UC4 in Flexi mode. And I've assigned the buttons 1-8, in CC for changed track, track 1 to 8. This works well, but now I'd like to have feedback on the LEDs, to know which track is selected. That would be great.
Chatgpt wrote me a script for that, but I don't know where to find it or how to use it, or even what I wrote would work.
And, I also tried to use grid, for that but I couldn't find a way to get what I wanted to have.
vielen Dank un schönen Feierabend ,
Zunächst einmal danke ich Ihnen für Ihre Arbeit und Ihre Zeit, es ist wirklich ein großartiges Werkzeug, und diese Arbeit bringt viel.
I'm writing here because I haven't found a solution to what I'm doing. And maybe it has to go through lines of code, in the script?
Or I haven't figured out how to do it. =)
I'm using a faderfox, UC4 in Flexi mode. And I've assigned the buttons 1-8, in CC for changed track, track 1 to 8. This works well, but now I'd like to have feedback on the LEDs, to know which track is selected. That would be great.
Chatgpt wrote me a script for that, but I don't know where to find it or how to use it, or even what I wrote would work.
And, I also tried to use grid, for that but I couldn't find a way to get what I wanted to have.
vielen Dank un schönen Feierabend ,
Statistics: Posted by nuancesdengrais — Wed Dec 11, 2024 2:34 pm