The poster *was* discussing synths, just b/c his take bothers you is no grounds for deleting posts imo, and unlike you he wasn't insulting about it.I'm sick of reading narcissistic buffoons writing comments whinging about how they're "moving on" from this synth or that synth or whatever the hell it may be all because they happen to feel the devs take too long for their royal selves and their internet-addled attention span, as if the devs should come rushing back prostrating themselves and begging for forgiveness. Can we please just delete such worthless posts to free up the space for people who actually want to discuss synthesizers? I'm deliberately not going to quote the above post so this troll doesn't get the pathetic dopamine rush he's lashing out at the u-he devs for.
It's dikridey enough as is on music forums for my tastes; if anything, I'm suspicious of overly fawning posts. Sure, appreciate the product, but this weird thing where posters defend devs. like it's some personal affront is strange to me. His post is at least on topic, unlike yours which is basically a personal attack.
I say when it's ready it's ready, but can sympathize that it's been a long time waiting for Z3 to drop.
Statistics: Posted by nusound mind — Mon Dec 16, 2024 4:07 pm