They are dated but not outdated. (in terms odlf useability and sound not updates I don't know if They are keeping up) They FL have great instruments. The workflow is good but I prefer the traditional layout with Reaper. But, FL I remember being very easy to use with patterns. It's the mixer I had to figure out more so. Reason is good too, it's the Reaper to Ableton/Bitwig/Luna that was super clunky. The reason I stopped using FL and Reason was because I bought a registered copy of both of the these daws in person. The guy refused to transfer emails, so I contacted image line and propellerhead; and both of these companies did not want to help me- I suppose it's my fault. Now, I may decide to pick up FL knowing I can use it as an instrument in Reaper if I don't fully want to "convert"...I own FL Studio all plugin edition (moment of weakness in a BF sale!) but I havent used it for years other than checking out the off update. I tried really hard to get on with it but it just never worked for me, all pop up windows and bits of stuff that have been added over the years but never really integrated in to the workflow (especially for audio stuff). I don't really care for the included instruments and fx either, they all seem pretty dated now. If I could sell it I would, that's FL worst feature!I went from using Live for over 12 years to FL Studio, and Ive never been happier. Once you understand how to do things in FL, its actually pretty fast the same way Live is fast as far as workflow. Reason is just extremely exhausting in its workflow. FL has a lot of really, really nice plugins and tools. Free updates for life, and they keep busting out crazy updates. FL all the way, put reason in the rearview mirror
Reason I was on and off as a DAW (although it works great for solo singer/guitarist, has everything including a nice integrated pitch correction and tuner!), but always used it as a rack- its its superpower- all of those great instruments/fx/players/tools under CV control in any DAW you like!
Statistics: Posted by twal — Tue Dec 31, 2024 7:18 pm