I posted that more as a joke than anything else. Also, it looks better for me to have a conversation than to just post "BUMP" when the poll drops from the top.I've never lost a C/R plugin that matters to me and I'm not even sure I've ever lost a C/R plugin that doesn't matter to me.Avoiding C/R plugins would have solved your authorization problem
Limiting yourself to serial number only plugins creates a whole new problem that is far worse in my opinion than the remote possibility of losing a C/R plugin.
To be honest there isn't one plugin from the old days that I care about just like there isn't one movie on VHS tape that I care about now that I have a Blu-Ray copy. Technology marches on......
I do use plugins that have been around for quite awhile but they are still under active development and I feel confident they'll keep working even if the developer goes out of business because I trust those people to give us a way to keep using the plugins (Camel Audio).

Statistics: Posted by audiojunkie — Fri Jan 03, 2025 7:46 pm