Halion also has the skirt parameter ?No it's essentially the FM-X engine from Montage which is essentially the FM engine from FS1R without the formant stuff with a few extra tricksI've heard verry good things about halion , but can you modulate 0 Hz operator with an awm element ?Halion 7 is supposed to cover the SY99/77/FS1R area as well…
For the moment My favourites are Tranzistow (brilliant in every possible department ) , ops-7 and self brewed reaktor stuff ( when scaled accordingly can sound remarkebly close to the real deal )
It's fantastic in its own and fits well into my arsenal of other FM plugins. I still use Plogue's OPS7, and Synclavier V for other flavors of FM
I am greatly looking forward to adding SWAY to my arsenal and wish Korg would make standalone MOD-7 plugin from Korg Oasys/Kronos
Statistics: Posted by gentleclockdivider — Sun Jan 12, 2025 9:28 pm