Which? MANY...!which devs don't allow deactivation then reactivating?I know I'm answering a quite old post, but far from all developers let you reset your licenses in your account, FAR from all. How many licenses do you have? 10? From 3 developers? I have plugins from over 100 different developers, it's NOT fun to reset licenses on 100+ sites, where 20-30% also doesn't allow this in your account, so you need to contact them. And in some cases they also need to be convinced you are not just trying to install the license on more computers than you are allowed.Yes and more often than not, you just log in with your creds from a new machine and deactivate the license from the old machine. No dongles needed.Well, other plugin manufacturers have a limited amount of machines you can have activated.
10 times of 10 I would prefer to handle ALL my licenses from one place, and in my case the best option would be iLok, preferably the HW key, and with ZDT as an extra "insurance".
And I was talking about those you cannot deactive in your account, do you expect me to mention every single developer who doesn't have this choice in your account? Of course most of them you can email and ask them to reset your activations, but that wasn't the point.
Some allow 2-3 activations, some up to 9, so it will take a while to reach.
Still, even if you would be able deactivate through the plugin itself (not very handy if your computer breaks down, or if you need to do this before a re-installation), or in your account on the developers' website, you would need to do this for 100+ different developers (in my case). That is VERY time consuming.
Statistics: Posted by starflakeprj — Mon Jan 27, 2025 12:02 am