HiI am seeking genuine feedback from artists, creators on this forum about my music
I will say that it is too loud BUT I know that EDM people only get excited when it is too effing LOUD so it probably is the right decision in the situation.
I like the overall energy. It feels clubby and dancy in a good way. I would have thrown shapes when I was younger.
Mixwise the tone is really nice. Maybe everything is a bit one-dimensional but that much squishing takes that all away so...
Personally, I totally miss melody and arrangement as such. While I get EDM seems to hate all beauty as such and only one slim idea is allowed, personally, it gives me nothing to come back to. Similar with the ending - real endings seem to offend people these days so again a non-ending is perhaps the ticket to Hipster Heaven.
Ok, so I am not your target audience but overall I think there is a lot very good in here and the sound and vibe are impressive indeed. It is a bit like early Trance when it was House and not Rave.

Statistics: Posted by Benedict — Thu Feb 20, 2025 5:05 am