Some time during the recent lifespan of Sonoma OS NA could_not finish an installation. It would complete the download and then fail the installation process, and in this move it deleted the disk image it downloaded.
I dug deeper than usual into what de fuq gwyne on 'round heah and found the reason, although I don't know what has changed. All I know is on Sequoia OS it has no such issue.
There's something in the process called aria2(c) handling the installation part of the deal. I do not know anything about a fix. There are evidently some systems that can't get along with aria2c.
Also using aria2c is/was Vienna Assistant and Steinberg Download Manager. All three of these failed to install what it has downloaded. VA and Steinberg did not, however run a delete function after the thing was complete. So it mattered very little. To install from NA meant being ready to save the disk image from its untimely demise in the split second that is the opportunity, and opening it.
I dug deeper than usual into what de fuq gwyne on 'round heah and found the reason, although I don't know what has changed. All I know is on Sequoia OS it has no such issue.
There's something in the process called aria2(c) handling the installation part of the deal. I do not know anything about a fix. There are evidently some systems that can't get along with aria2c.
Also using aria2c is/was Vienna Assistant and Steinberg Download Manager. All three of these failed to install what it has downloaded. VA and Steinberg did not, however run a delete function after the thing was complete. So it mattered very little. To install from NA meant being ready to save the disk image from its untimely demise in the split second that is the opportunity, and opening it.
Statistics: Posted by jancivil — Sat Feb 22, 2025 4:08 am