Stem Separation
Chord Track
Studio Piano/Bass
Nice update.
I am curious what the Chord Track will be like, though... Will you be able to drag Chords to Instrument Tracks to add the MIDI there, and will there be a Circle of Fifths UI for choosing them, etc. Or is it just going to be there for the Bass and Keyboard to follow along to. Granted, we already have Scaler 2, so I guess it's not really a huge game changer, anyways, given relatively recent Scaler 2 updates and the fact that it runs as an AU MIDI FX in Logic Pro.
Nothing makes me laugh like screenshots of producers in a room with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment with a MBP running Logic Pro and an Arturia Mini Lab, though...
ChromaGlow is a weird name. Could have named it ChromaFuzz and that probably would have given more of an indication of what it does... but maybe too close to Steinberg's QuadraFuzz, Lol.
ChromaGlow, when I initially saw the name, sounded more like a Revery or Shimmer Type plug-ins... or Something like Klevgrand's R0verb. Name just doesn't communicate anything about what the product actually does.
I agree with other posters (here and elsewhere)... I foresee many similar beats, baselines, etc. popping up on streaming services like Soundcloud, BandLab, etc.
I think the risk of this always existed in some DAWs (Reason's Chord Sequencer, Baseline Generator - anyone who uses Scaler 2 or Insta-Series MIDI Processors, EW's Orchestrator), but Logic Pro is a bit more ubiquitous than all of those across different music genres, and they're stock functions - not paid add-ons.
Especially if you can just take the MIDI from those Drummer/Piano/Bass performances and put them on other instrument tracks.
Chord Track
Studio Piano/Bass
Nice update.
I am curious what the Chord Track will be like, though... Will you be able to drag Chords to Instrument Tracks to add the MIDI there, and will there be a Circle of Fifths UI for choosing them, etc. Or is it just going to be there for the Bass and Keyboard to follow along to. Granted, we already have Scaler 2, so I guess it's not really a huge game changer, anyways, given relatively recent Scaler 2 updates and the fact that it runs as an AU MIDI FX in Logic Pro.
Nothing makes me laugh like screenshots of producers in a room with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment with a MBP running Logic Pro and an Arturia Mini Lab, though...
ChromaGlow is a weird name. Could have named it ChromaFuzz and that probably would have given more of an indication of what it does... but maybe too close to Steinberg's QuadraFuzz, Lol.
ChromaGlow, when I initially saw the name, sounded more like a Revery or Shimmer Type plug-ins... or Something like Klevgrand's R0verb. Name just doesn't communicate anything about what the product actually does.
I agree with other posters (here and elsewhere)... I foresee many similar beats, baselines, etc. popping up on streaming services like Soundcloud, BandLab, etc.
I think the risk of this always existed in some DAWs (Reason's Chord Sequencer, Baseline Generator - anyone who uses Scaler 2 or Insta-Series MIDI Processors, EW's Orchestrator), but Logic Pro is a bit more ubiquitous than all of those across different music genres, and they're stock functions - not paid add-ons.
Especially if you can just take the MIDI from those Drummer/Piano/Bass performances and put them on other instrument tracks.
Statistics: Posted by Trensharo — Wed May 08, 2024 5:13 am