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Sell & Buy (+Special Offers, Deals & Promos) • Re: FS: TONS of plugins!


I am interested in the following:
Crystalline - $30
Gullfoss - $50

Let me know the total for these plugins and the information to complete the transfer!

Thank you :)
Hi All,

Due to health issues I am getting out of music production and I have a LOT of plugins!

All of these are regular licenses that I purchased myself. Buyer is responsible for all transfer fees etc. so just let me know what you want and I will calculate everything and let you know the total. I did a bunch of research on selling plugins from each of these manufacturers (contacting them if necessary) and everything on this list can be sold and transferred no problem. However, if there end up being any issues with anything I will of course give you a refund. I’ve also included what transfer fees there are. If nothing is listed next to the developer that means there are no associated transfer fees. I will be responsible for contacting the developers or doing whatever else is required to initiate the transfer.

I take paypal and prices are firm. Making this list was already time consuming enough and I don’t have time to be making any deals or bulk discounts or anything sorry. Just PM me if you are interested in anything. Thanks!

Note on iLok transfer fees: Transfers that are handled through iLok have a fee of $25 per license with a $50 maximum if transferring multiple iLok licenses at once, so check all the iLok listings here to save some money ;-)

Acustica (Acustica uses their own shop and the fee to buy any of these would be $20 each)
-Ash - $100
-Fire the Clip - $10

-FX Collection 4 - $200
-V Collection 9 - $100
-Rev LX-24 - $25

Audio Thing (Transfer fee is $5 each, max $25)
-Lines - SOLD
-Fog Convolver 2 - $30
-Noises - $30
-Wires - $25
-Speakers - $50
-Springs - $30
-Mantis - $25

Baby Audio (Transfer fee is $20 each)
-Crystalline - $30
-Super VHS - $15

Cableguys (No fee, but transferred plugin becomes not for resale)
-Shaperbox 3 - $50

-Decimort 2 - $20
-Punchbox - $30
-Repeater - $30

DDMF (Transfer fee is $5)
-Plugin Doctor - $15

Devious Machines
-Infiltrator 2 - SOLD

Eventide (Transfers are handled through iLok, see above for fee info)
-Blackhole - $50
-Newfangled Saturate - $20
-SplitEQ - $50

Expert Sleepers (Transfers are handled through iLok, see above for fee info)
-Spectral Conquest - $5

Fabfilter (Licenses can only be transferred in the bundles I purchased them in, transfer fee is $10 per bundle)
-Pro-G - SOLD
-Mastering Bundle - $250
(Pro-Q 3
Pro-L 2
Pro-C 2
-Custom Bundle 1 - $80
Saturn 2)
-Custom Bundle 2 - $40
(Pro-R 2 Upgrade
Volcano 3)

Goodhertz (Transfer fee is $15)
-Good Dither - $5

-Music Production Suite 6 - SOLD

Kazrog (Transfer fee is $5)
-KClip 3 - $15

-Dynone 3 - $80
-StageOne 2 - $80

Liquidsonics (Transfers are handled through iLok, see above for fee info)
-Seventh Heaven Professional - $150

-Melodyne 5 Assistant - $100

Metric Halo / Make Believe Studios (Transfers are handled through iLok, see above for fee info)
-Sontec MES-432D9D EQ - $100

Minimal Audio
-Morph EQ - $10
-Rift - $40

MonkeyC (Transfers are handled through iLok, see above for fee info)
Rewind - $10

Native Instruments
FM8 - $10
Replika XT - $15

Neural DSP (Transfers are handled through iLok, see above for fee info)
-Archetype Gojira X - $80
-Tone King Imperial MKII - $60

Oeksound (Transfer fee is $15 for any number of plugins)
-Soothe 2 - SOLD
-Spiff - SOLD

Plugin Alliance (After transfer you will have to pay $20 per license to plugin alliance with dynamic discounts (20% on 2 activations, 30% on 3, 40% on 4, 50% on 5, and 60% on activations of 6 or more))
-Metric AB - $20
-EQ 250 - $20
Black Box Analog Design
-HG-2 - $10
-HG-2MS - $20
Dangerous Music
-Bax - $20
-Alpha Compressor - $20
-Mpressor - $20
-Museq - $20
Kiive Audio
-Tape Face - $20
-XTComp - $20
Knif Audio
-Soma - $20
Lindell Audio
-MBC - $20
-SBC - $20
-Sa2rate 2 - $20
Maor Appelbaum Mastering
-The Oven - $20
Shadow Hills
-Mastering Compressor - $10
-Mastering Compressor Class A - $20
-Iron - $20
-Transient Designer Plus - $5
Unfiltered Audio
-Bass-Mint - $10
-Lo-FI-AF - $10
-Needlepoint - $10

PSP (Transfers are handled through iLok, see above for fee info)
-Impressor - $30

Pulsar Audio (Transfers are handled through iLok, see above for fee info)
-1178 - $60
-8200 - $60
-Echorec - $40
-Massive - $60
-Mu - $60
-Smasher - $10
-W495 - $20

Relab (Transfers are handled through iLok, see above for fee info)
-LX480 Complete - $100
-Sonsig Rev-A - $40

Softube (Transfers are handled through iLok, see above for fee info)
-Bus Processor - $40
-Chandler Limited Curve Bender - $40
-Chandler Limited Germanium Compressor - SOLD
-Dirty Tape - $10
-Fet Compressor Mk II - $20
-OTO Bisquit 8-bit Effects - $20
-Overstayer M-A-S - $60
-Tape - $20
-Tape Echoes - $30
-Transient Shaper - $10

Sonic Academy (Transfer fee is $12.74)
-Kick 2 - $20

-Sononym 1.5 - $40

Soundtheory (Transfer fee is $50 to soundtheory as well as applicable iLok fees)
-Gullfoss - $50

Soundtoys (I have to contact soundtoys and transfer via iLok with applicable iLok fees)
-Complete Collection 5 - $200

-Dorico Elements 4 - $30
-Wavelab Pro 12 - $300

SSL (Transfers are handled through iLok, see above for fee info)
-Drumstrip - $20
-Flexverb - $20
-Fusion HF Compressor - $20
-Fusion Stereo Image - $20
-Fusion Transformer - $20
-Fusion Vintage Drive - $20
-Fusion Violet EQ - $20
-Essentials Bundle - $40
(Native Bus Compressor 2
Native Channel Strip 2)
-X-Delay - $20
-X-Echo - $20

Tokyo Dawn Labs
-Kotelnikov GE - $20

Tone Projects (Transfer fee is $25 per plugin and I can only transfer the 2022 bundle as one unit so the transfer fee would be $75 for that)
-Michelangelo - $100
-2022 Bundle - $125
(Unisum Mastering Compressor
Kelvin Tone Shaper
Basslane Pro)

Toontrack (Transfer fee $15)
-EZDrummer 3 - $80

Valhalla DSP
-Delay - SOLD
-Room - SOLD
-Shimmer - SOLD
-Vintage Verb - SOLD

Wave Alchemy
-Glow - $20

-RC-20 - $40

Zynaptiq (Transfers are handled through iLok, see above for fee info)
-Morph 2 - $40

Statistics: Posted by DZIMIEE — Mon Jun 03, 2024 2:45 am

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