Please unpack all the contents of the zip file first, and go to the folder and run the exe file.Hi, I have purchased the Rickenbacker Guitar and am trying to install on Windows 11.
The Library Installer cannot "see" the sample library - even though it is in the same folder.
(see attached screenshot) I have tried putting both the installer.exe and the .PKG file in various folders all with no success. Also attempting to drag the .PKG into the window does not work either.
I have read somewhere that OneDrive can interfere but OneDrive is disabled - all files stored locally so I do not know if this is a red herring.
Any advice on how to get the installer to work OR how to get the samples out of the .PKG file
Statistics: Posted by Liang[AmpleSound] — Tue Jun 11, 2024 4:05 am