But are you talking the sci-fy novel or the synth?I feel sad that I’m one of the only ones who gets the Vurt reference. Everyone should look it up and read it.My bad ! Must have missed our introduction ceremony. I'll just stay with 'vurt' then.not rude, you just got them the wrong way around, addled-muppet-weed, is my hyphenated family name (surname in the uk)I though this was his family name, and his given name is Addled Muppet Weed - or AMW, for short.Such as 'vurt'?as much as any parent i imagine.
and remember, some parents name their kids some weird shit!
Am I rude and uninformed as well ?
I always thought the reference was the synth...
https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fi ... kytary.jpg
Statistics: Posted by BBFG# — Sat Apr 06, 2024 10:57 pm