Multithread stuff is far from a nobrainer. devs have to actually refactor their dsp code...Yes, I mean this. It would be a vst-to-clap adapter then, wouldn't it? If it's Clap-to-vst then I guess this feature is not too far away for the devs, but I cannot comment on that more wisely. Still would be interesting to see more plugins using that. U-he utilises it in real world (Diva), so it's not just laboratory I'd say. Not sure how difficult it is to implement in general.You are refering to the thread pool thing? Daws and plugins have to implement it ... and implement it well. As of today I don't think many daws and plugins do implement it. And hopefully plugin devs that compete for the threads don't do bad things that will exhaust the thread pool ... Current narrative promis things based on laboratory setups. I'm curious, if the promise can deliver in reality... i.e. many daws with different impls and many plugins with different usage patterns ... we will see.Isn't the performance Gain reasn enough already?
that means a plugin that claims it's clap is not necessarily more efficient. That's especially true for those plugins which just got the clap-to-vst adapter slapped on them ... these are basically the same as before.
take vital. No thread pool, no voice stacking...It's the vst version which adapter to clap.
And I'd day laboratory because if only one vendor on one daw uses the thread pool feature, then you don't have a real life scenario where for instance daw a and daw b's threading implementation slightly behave differently.
Or think about different plugins of different vendors in the same project competing for the same threads?If any of these plugins missbehaves it might not end up good. You can write multithread code that is actually slower than single thread ...
So the real problems or power of this feature will only show up over time and with more adoption. It's like with scientific studies. In most cases you need a larger number of studies to prove sth.
Statistics: Posted by ] Peter:H [ — Sat Jul 06, 2024 8:38 am