So far, I have not heard anything to inspire me to bother with it/its demo, just sort of often-munchkin-sounding demos or drones that sound like granular synths 'resynthesizing' (so to speak, since there's the question of whether granular synths are bona-fide synths or just fancy samplers) Sumu that's resynthesizing granular synths.
Also, demos often get in the way of the creative flow where they throw different sorts of noises, disconnects and/or limitations. It's like renting/leasing something, rather than owning it. It ends up owning you. For a price.
It's easy to say one is 'blown away' by something, maybe especially where one has just invested a pretty penny in it or has some kind of contract with the company.
Maybe it's more about the culture than the synths, though...
If one lives in and somehow echoes a 'dead' or 'dying' culture, I suppose its tools matter far less.
Have you got something to show for it if you have it?Hm… if only there was a way a potential customer could try it… sort of like a demonstration… nope. Can’t think of anything.Well you just wrote, 'awesome', as if there's no other adjective out there. Awesome never really was used in that way, was it? Like 'sick' too. So sure, let's all get Sumu and exclaim how awesomely-sick it is. And this spring, don't forget to comment on those awesome blossoms.That’s what I did, and I was blown away. I didn’t hear a single demo of it, but tried it based on my experience with Aalto. I liked it so much, I went for Madrona’s full bundle. Awesome stuff.If you try the demo yourself you would see that your assumptions are wrong concerning SUMU.I think part of the catch is actually showing us what the sound was before it got imported. We often don't get that, so it's less possible to know what Sumu is doing to the sound that makes it worth investing in. Like in Iris 2 for example, it's trivial to narrow a selection in the spectrum and have the scanning lines go over it back and forth with some 'odd sounds', but so what.Really? The soundscapes he made at around 23min mark sound very good to me, sort of a Scorn soundtrack vibe, very organic and complex sounding.
Do you have any examples to listen to? Has anyone done any of their own samples yet and if so, what? Pinging a wine glass (or running a wet finger along its rim) or metal bowl? A mosquito buzz? Why take the sounds of other synths and dump them into yet another synth? Why this wobble (Reese?) bass?
It's not just the instruments of course, but also the creativity, that maybe the instruments might help inspire.
So far, I have not heard anything to inspire me to bother with it/its demo, just sort of often-munchkin-sounding demos or drones that sound like granular synths 'resynthesizing' (so to speak, since there's the question of whether granular synths are bona-fide synths or just fancy samplers) Sumu that's resynthesizing granular synths.
Also, demos often get in the way of the creative flow where they throw different sorts of noises, disconnects and/or limitations. It's like renting/leasing something, rather than owning it. It ends up owning you. For a price.
It's easy to say one is 'blown away' by something, maybe especially where one has just invested a pretty penny in it or has some kind of contract with the company.
Maybe it's more about the culture than the synths, though...
If one lives in and somehow echoes a 'dead' or 'dying' culture, I suppose its tools matter far less.
Statistics: Posted by Sackbut — Mon Nov 25, 2024 9:44 am